Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Reminders of home

Two of my grade one students showed up at school on Monday very excited! One ran to his bag and brought out a Canadian Flag postcard, and a Korean Flag postcard. Two minutes later, another one of my students came running into my class and showed me his Canada t-shirt! I guess I got pretty excited about the t-shirt, because this student has worn the same shirt to school the past three days!!

Seoul in Spring - My neighbourhood

Here are a few pictures that I took around my neighbourhood last weekend. It was a beautiful clear day following a day full of rain. The lake is Seokchon Lake, which is about a 2 minute walk from my house. Not a place to go swimming unfortunately... The last picture is one of the new teachers Jillian (from Texas), myself, and Matt (from Oklahoma).

Lantern Festival

Last weekend I went to a Lantern Street Festival. This was a celebration the weekend before Buddha's birthday. Many streets throughout Seoul have been lined with lanterns hanging from the light posts the past two months. The top picture shows an area outside one of the temples where thousands of laterns were hung. The highlight of the festival was a large lantern parade at the end of the day. Thousands (probably more like millions in this city!) lined the streets for this event.

Goodbye Dinner for K and D

Two weekends ago we said goodbye to two teachers (and close friends) from my school Kylie and Donovan. They have left to go back to Saskatchewan after 16 months here in Korea. I was very sad to see them go. We went out for dinner with some of the Korean staff and some of the new English teachers. I am now the veteran English teacher here at my school, which is pretty crazy since I've only been here 5 months. There are 4 other English teachers here now, all from America. The top picture is my friend Sophia, she is one of the Korean coordinators at my school. She was showing us her fancy new blue bike on the way to dinner!