Friday, January 13, 2006

12 lane street

This is the 12 lane street which is about a 2 minute walk from my neighbourhood of apartments. I have been fascinated by the fact that a 12 lane street goes right through the center of a city! This is a Sunday afternoon, so traffic is light. Usually it's pretty jam packed with cars. There are a lot of American restaurants along this street... the Outback, Pizza Hut, Chili's, KFC, Burger King.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But even today, went she is strolling down the major highways that she uses as her sidewalk; she thinks wow, I will never fit into a car around here, they are just so tiny compared to me.

Because of Christie’s gigantisms, she has had trouble making friends. Some say she is tall because she comes from a tall family. Others like myself, blame the salad that she has always eaten her entire life. The conclusion you can take from this is quite simple.

Christie. You do not make friends with salad.

Your loving brother,

11:40 PM  

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