Friday, January 13, 2006

My Apartment

Here is my apartment in Korea, the first building on the right. It's very nice, and only about a 5 minute walk from work. I am surrounded by one way streets, which really means nothing here. Cars, trucks, scooters, bicycles, small school buses, people, are always moving and squeezing by in all directions. My neighbourhood includes many restaurants, markets, churches, small stores, but mostly rows of apartment buildings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Christie!! Cute site. We miss you soo much here, but we are glad you are having a good time in Korea. MY teacher, Mrs. Andreson, wishes she could be where you are right now. Well anyways, we can't wait to hear from you again. We are doing fine, just to let you know. Again, we miss you tons. Love ya!

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:38 PM  

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