Friday, February 24, 2006

"Christie is Korean"

The kindergarten students had their graduation day last Friday. Fortunately my classes are still staying the same, but they are now grade one students. All my classes are going very well. The kids make me laugh everyday for sure. I've been pracicing a bit of my Korean in class and the kids think that's great! A couple days ago some of them left class saying "Christie is Korean, Christie is Korean!"


Blogger Bike Drool said...

Awesome blog, great photos!! Reminds me of the semester I spent in Vietnam as an English teacher... but, I'm Vietnamese myself, so, not exactly the same situation as yours... but same, same, but different! That salad thing is really weird. Cheers, keep posting!


6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After meeting her fellow teachers she knew she would stand out in the school.

11:06 PM  

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